You are
invited to support the 2024 12th International Conference on
Bioinformatics andComputational Biology
(ICBCB 2025), which will be held in Tokyo,
Japan during Feb. 27-Mar. 02, 2025. This
conference is held annually to provide
opportunities for the delegates to exchange
new ideas and application experiences face
to face, to establish business or research
relations and to find global partners for
future collaboration.
It provides your organization the
opportunity to meet and engage with the top
researchers and professionals in the area of
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Five types of sponsorships are available as
follows. Any inquiries, please feel free to
contact with Ms. Sunny Law via:
Platinum (USD 4000 and above)
* Company logo on all large banners displayed at the
conference venue area
* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the
conference as a Platinum supporter
* One company handout at registration
* Listing in conference program
* Four complimentary registrations for the conference
* Acknowledgement as a Platinum supporter at the conference
* An executive place in the Exhibition Area
* Optional support (for an additional fee) of an event
(opening reception, banquet)
Gold (USD 3000)
* Company logo on all large banners
displayed at the conference venue area
* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the
conference as a Gold supporter
* One company handout at registration
* Listing in conference program
* Three complimentary registrations for the conference
* Acknowledgement as a Gold supporter at the conference
* An executive place in the Exhibition Area
Silver (USD 2000)
* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the
conference as a Silver supporter
* Two complimentary registrations for the conference
* A table and chairs in the Exhibition Area
Bronze (USD 1500)
* Company logo on the website and on the
poster of the conference as a Bronze
* One complimentary conference registration
* A roll-up in the Exhibition Area
Start-up (USD 800): A
new level introduced by ICBCB 2025 to
promote start-ups.
* Company logo on the website and on the
poster of the conference as a start-up
* A roll-up in the Exhibition Area.
Best Paper
Award (USD 300)
* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the
conference as a Best Paper Award supporter.